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電量顯示器 庫侖計
TOREX (電壓檢測/穩壓/DC-DC轉換)
存儲器 EEPROM(HT24LC02/HT93LC46/AT24LC02/***4LC02...)
HT70xx系列 電壓檢測芯片
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BL6503 *[產品打印頁面]

產品名稱: BL6503 *
產品型號: BL6503
華東  華北:   點擊這里給我發消息  點擊這里給我發消息
電話:021-54939377   021-54939344
華中  華南:   點擊這里給我發消息  點擊這里給我發消息
電話:18917856796   13701607944
產品文檔: 無相關文檔
BL6503 *High accuracy, less than 0.1% error over adynamic range of 500 : 1??Exactly measure the real power in the positiveorientation and negative orientation,

BL6503 * 的詳細介紹


_ High accuracy, less than 0.1% error over a

dynamic range of 500 : 1

_ Exactly measure the real power in the positive

orientation and negative orientation, calculate the

energy in the same orientation

_ A PGA in the current channel allows using small

value shunt and burden resistance

_ The low frequency outputs F1 and F2 can

directly drive electromechanical counters and two

phase stepper motors and the high frequency output

CF, supplies instantaneous real power, is intended for

calibration and communications

_ The logic outputs REVP can be used to indicate a

potential orientation

_ Low static power (typical value of 15mW).

The technology of SLiM (Smart–Low–current–

Management ) is used.

_ On-Chip power supply detector

_ On-Chip anti-creep protection

_ On-Chip voltage reference of 2.42V ± 8%

(typical temperature coefficient of 30ppm/),with

external overdrive capability

_ Single 5V supply

_ Credible work, working time is more than twenty


Interrelated patents are pending


The BL6503 is a low cost, high accuracy, high

stability, simple peripheral circuit electrical energy

meter IC. The meter based on the BL6503 is intended

for using in single-phase, two-wire distribution


The BL6503 adopts the oversample technology

and digital signal processing technology. It can

exactly measure the real power in the positive

orientation and negative orientation and calculate the

energy in the same orientation. Moreover, BL6503

supplies the negative orientation indication on Pin20

(REVP). Therefore, the meter using the BL6503 has

great capability to avoid fault condition.

The BL6503 supplies average real power

information on the low frequency outputs F1 (Pin23)

and F2 (Pin24). These logic outputs may be used to

directly drive an electromechanical counter and

two-phase stepper motors. The CF (Pin22) logic

output gives instantaneous real power information.

This output is intended to be used for calibration

purposes or interface to an MCU.

The BL6503 adopts the technology of SLim and

decreases greatly the static power. This technology

also decreases the request for power supply.

BL6503 thinks over the stability of reading

error in the process of calibration.. An internal no-load

threshold ensures that the BL6503 does not exhibit

any creep when there is no load.

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上海集馳電子有限公司   電話:021-54939377   傳真:021-54939344
地址:上海市徐匯區宜山路810號      郵編:201102   滬ICP備14013774號-3

滬公網安備 31011202007229號

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