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電量顯示器 庫侖計
TOREX (電壓檢測/穩壓/DC-DC轉換)
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HT70xx系列 電壓檢測芯片
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HT75xx 100mA穩壓芯片

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BL6513 *[產品打印頁面]

產品名稱: BL6513 *
產品型號: BL6513
華東  華北:   點擊這里給我發消息  點擊這里給我發消息
電話:021-54939377   021-54939344
華中  華南:   點擊這里給我發消息  點擊這里給我發消息
電話:18917856796   13701607944
產品文檔: 無相關文檔
BL6513 *?High accuracy, less than 0.1% error over adynamic range of 500:1??High stability during calibration, the fluctuationof output CF is less than 0.1%.

BL6513 * 的詳細介紹

FEATURES of BL6513 *

_ High accuracy, less than 0.1% error over a

dynamic range of 500:1

_ High stability during calibration, the fluctuation

of output CF is less than 0.1%.

_ Low drift, the gain variety is less than 0.1%

when input frequency changes from 45Hz to 65Hz

_ Single 5V Supply, Static Power 25mW (typical)

_ Power solution only with Resistor & Capacitor

can be adopted.

_ Selectable between the arithmetic sum of the

three-phase active energies and the absolute value

sum of these energies.

_ The Low Frequency Output (F1, F2) can drive

motor directly; The High Frequency Output (CF) can

be used in calibration and data processing.

_ Anti-Fault, the Logic Output REVP indicates

any of the three phase Potential Miswiring or

Negative Power.

_ On-chip Creep Protection.

_ On-chip Power Supply Monitoring.

_ On-chip Reference 2.42V ± 8% (30ppm/

typical),with External Overdrive Capability.

_ External clock 3.58MHz

_ SOP24 package

_ Compatible with 3-phase 4-wire configurations.

Interrelated patents are pending


The BL6513 is the chief IC of the three-phase

electrical meter and a high accuracy energy

measurement IC. With low power design, static power

is only 25mW. Based on the features such as superior

accuracy, high stability and simple peripheral circuit,

the BL6513 is compatible with 3-phase 4-wire


BL6513 is based on digital signal processing.

BL6513 can measure positive active power and

negative active power; can select the way to calculate

the sum of the three-phase active powers, between

the arithmetic sum and the absolute value sum.

The high frequency output CF can be used in

calibration and data processing. The low frequency

outputs F1 and F2 can be used to drive a pulse-motor

or an electromechanical counter. In this way, the

power can be measured and the energy can be


An internal no-load threshold ensures that the

BL6513 does not exhibit any creep when there is no


The BL6513 consider emphatically the need of

stability during calibration, the measure data of mass

products show that the output pulse ripple of CF is

less than 0.1%.

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上海集馳電子有限公司   電話:021-54939377   傳真:021-54939344
地址:上海市徐匯區宜山路810號      郵編:201102   滬ICP備14013774號-3

滬公網安備 31011202007229號

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